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Coaching Overview

Who should use the curriculum

Coach Medical Home was designed for practice facilitators—or “coaches”—who are guiding safety net and other primary care practices through medical home transformation. Though many of the tools and resources are broadly useful, challenges specific to safety net practices are highlighted throughout the curriculum.

These materials are designed both for facilitators working in sponsoring organizations such as primary care associations, health center controlled networks, or other coalitions, and for facilitators working within a health center to improve care.

The coaching-oriented material in this curriculum complements the wealth of corresponding materials for practices that are available on the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative website.

Curriculum overview

Coach Medical Home consists of six modules and an introduction, accessible via the links at the top left of each page on this website. In each module, you’ll find links to tools and resources that will help you coach practices through different steps on the journey toward PCMH transformation. You can use the modules separately, focusing on one specific element of transformation. Or you can use them all together, as an overall roadmap for your efforts as a coach.

If you’re an experienced coach or have a longstanding relationship with a practice, feel free to jump straight to the module that interests you most. If you’re new to coaching, you may want to start with the Introduction and work through each module one by one.

A special supplement to the journal Medical Care presents the progress and lessons learned from the SNMHI. One of these articles focuses on the development of the Coach Medical Home curriculum. Access the article here.