The Coach Medical Home website is intended for educational purposes only. It contains content for practice coaches/facilitators on the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Model of Care.
The site collects no personally identifiable information from visitors to the website unless the information is purposefully supplied by the visitor. We do not share visitors’ personal information with third parties except as required by law.
Through the use of server access logs, we track the IP addresses of website visitors and the content which they access/view and download.
Through the use of Google Analytics, we track website visitor activity, including but not limited to, new/recurring visitor status and referrer information to draw a picture of how the site and its content are viewed and used. Google Analytics retains non-personally-identifiable information in first party cookies and does not provide us with specific IP addresses, though we may cross reference visitor information with IP address listings from our abovementioned server access logs.
When a user contacts us via email from the site, they provide us with their name, email address and IP address by doing so unless they make efforts themselves to hide/mask that information.
For more information, please see the Google’s Analytics privacy policy:
The Coach Medical Home website links to other websites and is not responsible for the content, security practices, privacy policies or data collection of any other website.
Changes to this policy will be posted on the website.
For questions related to this policy, visitors may email